company profile

  • Robinson Transport and Warehousing

    Located 20 minutes outside of Windsor we are close to the US / Canada border for convenience and fast, reliable service.Robinson Transport and Warehousing specializes in flatbed hauls and can handle almost any size of load.We are committed to our clients and our community and guarantee great service....
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Progressive Thinking

We take advantage of the technological advances in our industry and in our own back yard to continue to provide the best service available to our customers.

Safety As A Top Priority

Making safety number one pays off every day. Ensuring that our employees are safe and healthy keeps us on top of the game, provides our customers with great service and makes Robinson’s Transport an awesome place to work.

Built On

Dependable Family Values

Robinson Transport has been a singular family owned business dating back to 1954 and has grown through three generations to become an industry leader in heavy hauling transport. Guided by the family values used at home Robinson Transport strive to keep the company safe and prosperous for all of our employees.

These values guarantee our commitment to our employees and customers alike, making Robinson Transport not only a great place to work but also a reliable and honest business partner for your shipping needs.

State Of The Art

Technology and Innovation

Our commitment to our customers ensures that we remain on the cutting edge of new technology, staying ahead of the curve to give our customers the most reliable service possible. High efficiency dispatching and tracking systems keep our trucks moving and our modern fleet represents some of the best innovations in transport over the last decade.

Innovation keeps us ahead of the pack in transport, innovation makes us more efficient. Robinson’s has developed several custom solutions and modifications to make shipping with us easier and more affordable.


track record

Working hard on the road since 1954, Robinson Transport has tens of thousands of successful shipments under our belt. Superior maintenance programs keep our trucks on the road, hauling loads day in and day out.

All of that experience makes us confident in our service, giving you assurance that we have “been there and done that” when it comes to our customers specialty loads.

what we offer


Dependable Service

Robinson Transport provides industry leading heavy haul service that you can rely on. Seasoned dispatchers and experienced drivers ensure your shipment arrives on time every time.


The Right Equipment

With our fleet of Spiff, multi-axle, trombone and fixed axle trailers we can meet the requirements of our customers and the regions they need deliveries to.


Over 60 Years Of Experience

Our experience makes us an industry leader, new technology makes us flexible, agile and efficient.


Safety And Training

We provide the best possible training to our operators to ensure they work safely every time, everyone wins when things are done safely.


Cutting Technology

The use of ever advancing technologies has allowed use to become an industry leader in flatbed hauling and transport.